Saturday, January 30, 2010


Melissa finished my tattoo today! It took 4 and 1/2 hours, making it a 8 hour total piece of art. It was worth every second. I'm so incredibly happy with how it came out and can't wait to see it healed. At the risk of being a Braggy McBraggerson, I think it's the most beautiful tattoo ever.

Apparently tomorrow, Dan and I are headed to Melissa and Scott's for what is being dubbed Family Art Sunday and we're all going to paint. It should be a fun day. Even though I usually just paint for my own enjoyment, it'll be awesome to get pointers from people as talented as Melissa and Dan.


Kelly @ turned UP to ELEVEN! said...

This looks amazing!

donatelli98 said...

Looks awesome and a very flattering photo of you! LOL! Friday night was fun - glad we got a chance to catch up!

Anonymous said...

This is so incredibly beautiful, B!!! I am in LOVE with it! PERFECTION.