Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Car cake

Last night, I had the pleasure of not having to grocery shop alone. I can't stand going alone. Since he used to always work or attend school in the evening, I was left to do all the grocery shopping myself. Now that he's home in the evenings, he's joined me and it's a lot nicer. As a bonus, I have someone to carry groceries. In case I'd forgotten, I was reminded of his sweet tooth last night as I was in the baking product aisle. A sweet little conversation ensued:

Dan: Ooooh, cake mix is on sale!

Me: I have 4 boxes of cake mix at home

Dan: But you know what's good? Cherry chip cake with funfetti frosting

Me: Do you want me to make you a cake?

Dan: I like cake

Me: I know you do. If I make you a cake, you have to take it to work. We're not leaving a whole cake around for us to eat.

Dan: I won't leave it at home, but I'm not taking it to work.

Me: What are you going to do with it then?

Dan: Leave it in the car to eat when I'm hungry.

Me: Oh, really? How long are you going to leave it there?

Dan: Uh... a week

Needless to say, I did not buy or make a car cake last night.


Anonymous said...

I just read this to M and he seems to think there is nothing wrong with the concept of having a cake in the car to eat when you are hungry.


donatelli98 said...

LMAO! Love it - it's like a conversation with Chatty! Too Cute!

Anonymous said...

This is totally something my boyfriend would do. Boys are strange.

Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

This? Is hysterical!! Sounds like something my hubby would do. Like when he left a jar of peanut butter in his car and didn't remember it was there until days later. MEN! Can't live with em....you know the rest. :)