Friday, June 26, 2009

Oooh la la

I had my hair and makeup trial this morning with the stylist who is doing it for the wedding. Allison was awesome - I was hoping we'd hit it off, as I'd be sitting in a chair getting made up for two hours both today and on my wedding day. She's definitely a really cool person. She's an artist in many senses: mural, makeup, cake decorating. When she told me she does cakes, I got so excited. I think if I were to ever take a leap and leave tax to do something different, I'd want to be a cake artist. So it was definitely a fun two hours and she did an awesome job. I gave her basics of what I didn't want and told her to go for it - she did exactly what I was trying to find pictures of before I decided to go with the flow. It's a bummer I'm by myself all day with no where to show it off. Now the search is on for the perfect piece of hair jewelry to make it really awesome!

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