Thursday, March 7, 2013

101 in 1001 Updated!

Wow, it's been a long time since I updated my 101 in 1001. I can't believe how many more things I got done than I realized (that'll happen when you don't update something for 8 months).

Some highlights:

2. I learned in knit after getting yarn, needles, and instruction books from my mom and sister for Christmas

10. I did a 5K. It's highly debateable whether or not I RAN it

13. Our debt paying-off is in progress. My retail cards are gone! And we took a small personal loan in 2012 to get rid of the rest. We just weren't making a dent in Dan's (incredibly) high interest rate card. We're on a schedule to be debt free in late 2014. I'll miss the deadline for my 101 in 1001, but not by much. And really, I made that with the goal in mind to have MY debt gone (we have separate money, as you may know), but our whole household will be debt free, since our cars will be paid off around the same time (I'm not counting the house, because COME ON).

40 & 42. I've been in contact with RESOLVE about becoming a state advocate, and am waiting to hear back. I've expressed my desires relating to #42 and hope that I can be involved in some way with something existing, or maybe even develop an education program or contribute to the site's bank of info in some way.

45. I shot my pistol! I'm still going to sign up for classes and get more formal training in using what we have, but I know the basics for now and feel more comfortable using them.

67 & 68. I visited Kari in Illinois in June, and Dan and I visited my sister and brother-in-law in Seattle (their gorgeous new home, oh my gosh!) in February

What have you completed on your list?


PinkieBling said...

Brookey! I am so proud of you! Way to kick butt!

John said...

I need an update in the worst way! are really moving right along on these.